The Enlightenment Project
Catalogue features essays by Elizabeth Rankin, Giovanni Tiso, Sally Blundell and Marian Maguire. 2022 Papergraphica ISBN: 978-0-473-64280-8 116 pages, plus 2 folded posters. $67 (incl p+p within NZ) Goddesses Colour catalogue featuring a short essay by Marian Maguire about the reasoning behind the five lithographs and one etching in this series. Also included are descriptions of each of the Ancient Greek goddesses. 2017 PaperGraphica ISBN 978-0-473-42209-7 32 pages, $25 (incl p+p within NZ) The Labours of Herakles (revised) A revised and expanded edition published to accompany the exhibition Herakles in Neusseeland at the Munich Antikensammlunen. Includes an introduction by Rolf Michael Schneider, essays by Elizabeth Rankin & Patrick O'Sullivan and pictorial source material plus extracts from settler accounts. 2015 PaperGraphica ISBN 978-0-473-32796-5 128 pages, $50 (incl p+p within NZ) Titokowaru’s Dilemma The catalogue features contributions from Elizabeth Rankin, James Belich, Giovanni Tiso, Anne Salmond, Keri Hulme and Marian Maguire. 2011 PaperGraphica ISBN 978-0-473-19687-5 106 pages, $50 (incl p+p within NZ) The Labours of Herakles The catalogue features essays by Elizabeth Rankin and Patrick O’Sullivan plus much of Maguire’s pictorial source material and extracts from settler accounts. 2008 PaperGraphica ISBN 978-0-473-13381-8 96 pages (out of print) The Odyssey of Captain Cook The catalogue features an introduction by Marian Maguire and an essay by Anna Smith. 2005 PaperGraphica ISBN 0-473-10181-5 48 pages, $35 (incl p+p within NZ) Southern Myths with an essay by Elizabeth Rankin about the 2002 series of nine etchings. 2012 PaperGraphica ISBN 978-0-473-20992-6 34 pages, $15 (incl p+p within NZ) Email [email protected] to place an order or scroll for them here: |